Alternative Energy Resources
Alternative Energy Resources
Alternative Energy.
Alternative Energy can be define as “the energy which is not gain from the use of the fossil fuel, and does not increase humanity’s carbon footprint by the carbon dioxide emissions.”
Alternative Energy Resources.
Human civilization has started realizing how much harm they have already caused to the environment; and when it comes to take a stand against these environmental problems, the focus shifts to the use of alternative energy sources. Alternative energy encompasses all those things that do not consume fossil fuel. They are widely available and environment friendly. They cause little or almost no pollution.
Types of Alternative Energy
There are several types of alternative energy resources from which most commonly known are written below,
- Solar.
- Wind.
- Ocean tidal.
- Geothermal.
- Nuclear.
Solar energy is one the alternative energy source that is used most widely across the globe. About 70% of the sunlight gets reflected back into the space and we have only 30% of sunlight to meet up our energy demands. This is the energy which the earth receives from the Sun. This is one of the most promising alternative energy sources, which will be available to the mankind for centuries to come. The only challenge remains to tap the solar energy in the most efficient way. The solar power generation is done by using a series of photovoltaic cells where the solar rays are converted into electricity.
- The source of energy is absolutely ‘free’.
- Solar power which is generated in the day time can be stored to be made available in the night time as well.
- Solar power generators can be used to generate power in rural and remote areas where there is no reach of the conventional form of energy.
- Solar power generation is quite and absolutely clean.
- Solar energy is a renewable form of energy will not deplete until thousands of years.

- Wind energy is a clean form of energy.
- The source of power generation i.e., wind is free of cost.
- Wind energy is a renewable source of energy.
Ocean tidal.
The surface of earth is 71.11% covered by water bodies especially oceans. The tides in water rise and fall due to the gravity of sun and moon. Since we know about how the position of moon changes we can predict the rise and fall of tides. This rise and fall of tides can be utilized by setting up small dams and passing water through the turbines to generate power.
- The source of power generation is free and renewable.
- The power generated is clean and does not cause any pollution.

- Similar to other alternative energy sources, geothermal energy source is free of cost.
- With a proper power generation system in place, no harmful by-products are produced.
Nuclear energy.

Currently, fossil fuels are consumed faster than they are produced, so in the next future these resources may be reduced or the price may increase becoming inaccessible for most of the population. The required amount of fuel: less fuel offers more energy. It represents a significant save on raw materials but also in transport, handling and extraction of nuclear fuel. The cost of nuclear fuel (overall uranium) is 20% of the cost of energy generated.
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