Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution
Environment can be defined as it is the area in
which something exists or lives. Environment is everything that is around us.
It can be living or nonliving things. It includes physical, chemical and other
natural forces.
Pollution is defined as Undesirable state of
the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a
consequence of human activities
Environmental pollution.
Environmental pollution mean that the surrounding area in which we live is being pollute intentionally or unintentionally by different type of means of land, water, air and effecting all living things life and the nature.
Environmental pollution can be defined as any
undesirable change in Physical, Chemical or biological characteristics of any
component of the environment (water, air, soil) which can cause harmful effects
on various forms of life or property.
Types of Environmental pollution.
There are different type of Environmental
pollution which are categorize based on the environment which they effect. Each
of these types has its own distinctive causes and consequences. The main type
of pollution are following:
- Water pollution.
- Land pollution.
- Air pollution.
- Noise pollution.
Water pollution.
Water pollution is the type of pollution that
involve the contamination of various water bodies. Various aquatic creature
depend on these water bodies and its natural nutrition features to support its
Industrial waste gets dumped into these water
bodies. This causes a chemical imbalance in the water leading to death of
aquatic beings.
People can take certain preventable measure to
stop water pollution like being more cautious of dumping containments into the
water. For the damage that has already been done water treatment plants are
being constructed with innovative techniques to clean the polluted water. It is
better to prevent water pollution as water is basic need for the survival of

Land pollution.
Land pollution is the deterioration
(destruction) of the earth’s land surfaces, often directly or indirectly as a
result of man’s activities and their misuse of land resources. It occurs when waste is not disposed of
properly, or can occur when humans throw chemicals onto the soil in the form of
pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers during agricultural practices.
There can be catastrophic consequences of land
pollution in relation to humans, animals, water and soils. The effects are even
worse if the garbage is not separated into organic, reusable and recyclable
waste. Contaminated lands and environments can Cause problems on the skin &Cause
various kinds of cancers.
The greatest prevention to land pollution is in
the three ‘R's’ …
Reduce Waste, Reuse things and Recycle
things. This is true even for governments. They can also use the three ‘R’ rule
to minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. After the three
'R's, remember to turn the rest of the garbage into compost.

Air pollution.
The contamination of the air present in the
atmosphere is known as Air Pollution respiration
is an important life process of all living things. We breathe in the air
present in atmosphere. Therefor if the air is contaminated with poisonous
gases, it would have a fatal effect on us. The air naturally comprises of 78%
of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen, 0.9% of oxide gases and 0.1% of inert gases. When
this balance is disturbed, it causes disruptions of severe properties.
Burning of discarded plastic, wood and rubber
release carcinogenic gases into the atmosphere even certain industries release
some gases like Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide which mix with the air
damaging ozone and could cause acid rain.
Governments throughout the world have already
taken action against air pollution by introducing green energy. Some
governments are investing in wind energy and solar energy, as well as other
renewable energy, to minimize burning of fossil fuels, which cause heavy air

Noise pollution.
There are different qualities of sound. The
sound which is not pleasant to hear are called ‘noise’. So an excess of noise
in the outdoors leads to noise pollution.
Noise pollution can be experienced by too many
vehicles honking at the roads, heavy machinery being operated in the open,
train, clubs, over populated crowds and many more it is known to cause mental
stress and depression. It also damage ear drum which cause deafness.
There are easy measure in which we can reduce
noise pollution like all other pollution. By suppression of noise source, using
sound insulation and sound absorbing material, sound proof walls.
Health effect of pollution.
The relationship between humanity and the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has increased exponentially, and with the population growth, the environment has been profoundly affected. Deforestation, pollution and global climate changes are amongst the adverse effects the population and technological expansion has introduced. |
Not only humans but also animals are being affected by the environmental pollution which is causing serious damage to the ecosystem. We can very well notice the abnormal behavior of the seasons the cycle developing clogs in its wheels; and the worried experts fear that the disturbed balance in the biosphere has assumed such serious proportion that very soon our world would be uninhabitable like Hiroshima of 1945. But it is heartening to find the entire world aware of the menace. Some of the advanced countries have already taken some measures to meet it. If we fail to restore the ecological balance right now, it would be too late tomorrow…
- More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to safe drinking water.
- Children contribute to only 10% of the world’s pollution but are prone to 40% of global disease.
- China is the world’s largest producer of carbon dioxide. United States is number 2.
- People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer than people who live in less-polluted areas.
- The only relatively clean place on Earth is Antarctica. The continent is protected by the Antarctic Treaty that prohibits military activities, mineral mining, nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal.